This package allows users to interact with a Fedora 3.8 repository via the CLI.
The instructions here assume you are working with a compiled version of Moldy Bread. See installation instructions or package info if you are looking for something else.
Defining a config.yml
Make a copy of default_config.yml and set settings appropriately. Currently, this is the only way to pass authentication information for Fedora and Gsearch.
You can store this config file anywhere that you have read permissions. Use the full path to the file in commands like in the examples below.
Optionally, as of v0.1.2 you can avoid passing the -y flag on requests by including a directory called config with your yaml as config.yml in the path from where you are executing your command.
Command Line Parsing
When in doubt, use help:
moldybread -h
Populating Results
Result lists can be populated in several ways.
First, if you specify dublincore fields and matching strings with the -dc flag, results will be populated based on their metadata records. Each DublinCore field should be separated from its matching string with a colon (:). Each pair of fields and values should be separated with a semicolon (;). Do not include a namespace.
moldybread -dc "title:Pencil;contributor:Wiley"
Next, you can populate results based on a value in a PID or namespace with the -n flag. This value will normally be the namespace, but it doesn't have to be. It can specify any part of the pid.
moldybread -n test
Finally, you can populate results based on terms that appear anywhere in the metadata record with the -t flag.
moldybread -t Vancouver
Harvest Datastream (including metadata)
Datastreams can be harvested by supplying a datastream id (MODS by default) and a namespace. This can be used for metadata files or any other datastream.
moldybread -o harvest_datastream -d MODS -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Datastreams can also be harvested by supplying a datastream id (MODS by default) and a string of dc fields with associated strings.
moldybread -o harvest_datastream -d MODS -dc "title:Pencil;contributor:Wiley" -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/config/file
Finally, you can also harvest datastreams based on a keyword value.
moldybread -o harvest_datastream -d MODS -t Vancouver -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/config/file
Harvest Datastream Unless It's a part of a Page
Most of the time, we don't want the metadata record for a page from a book collection. If we want to make sure we don't get those, we need a slightly different operation. This can be used for any datastream.
moldybread -o harvest_datastream_no_pages -d MODS -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Download FOXML Record
FOXML records can be downloaded by supplying a namespace.
moldybread -o download_foxml -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Download Object XMl Record
Object XML records can be downloaded by supplying a namespace.
moldybread -o download_object_xml -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Update Metadata
You can update metadata from a directory. The files must end in .xml and be named according to a PID (i.e. test:1.xml).
Example layout:
|-- updates |-- test:1.xml |-- test:2.xml |-- test:3.xml
Example command:
moldybread -o update_metadata -p /home/mark/nim_projects/moldybread/updates -d MODS -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
If your request was successful, you should see a list of PIDS that were successfully updated.
NOTE: This operation automatically updates SOLR with Gsearch.
Update Metadata and Delete Old Versions
If you don't want to keep the old versions of the datstream you're updating, you can purge them.
Example command:
moldybread -o update_metadata_and_delete_old_versions -p /home/mark/nim_projects/moldybread/updates -d MODS -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Version Datastream
Set whether a datastream should be versioned or not.
Note: parseBool is used on the value associated wit -v / --versionable. Because of this, these values are true: y, yes, true, 1, on. Similarly, these values are false: n, no, false, 0, off.
Example command:
moldybread -o version_datastream -n test -d MODS -v false -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Change Object State
Change the state of all objects in a result set to [A]ctive, [I]nactive, or [D]eleted. Defaults to A.
Example command:
moldybread -o change_object_state -n test -s I -v false -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Purge Old Versions of a Datastream
Purges all by the current version of a datastream.
Example command:
moldybread -o purge_old_versions -n test -d MODS -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Find Objects Missing a Particular Datastream
Finds all objects in a results set that are missing a particular datastream.
Example command:
moldybread -o find_objs_missing_dsid -n test -d MODS -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file
Download Datastream Histories as XML
Serializes to disk the history of a specific datatream as XML for all results in a result set.
Example command:
moldybread -o get_datastream_history -n test -d RELS-EXT -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Download Datastream at Date
Serializes to disk the a datatream at a specific date for all results in a result set.
Example command:
moldybread -o get_datastream_at_date -n test -d RELS-EXT -dt 2019-12-19 -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Download All Versions of a Datastream
You can download all versions of a datastream for a results set and have it serialized as pid-datestampe.extension (test:4-2020-01-07T16:18:28.742Z.xml).
moldybread -o download_all_versions -d MODS -t Vancouver -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Validate Checksums
You can check whether the current checksum of a datastream for an object matches the original checksum. If not, the objects with bad datastreams are listed:
Example command:
moldybread -o validate_checksums -n test -d OBJ -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Or, you can check whether the current checksum for all current versions of datastreams belonging to an object match the checksum of that datastream on ingest.
Example command:
moldybread -o validate_checksums -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Find Unique Datastreams
You can get a list of unique datastreams from objects across a result set.
Example command:
moldybread -o find_distinct_datastreams -n test -y /full/path/to/my/yaml/file.yml
Audit Responsibility
Get a list of objects created or modified by a user.
Example command:
moldybread -o audit_responsibility -n test -x mark
Update Solr
In some situations, you may want to update Solr from gsearch without changing anything regarding a binary.
Example command:
moldybread -o update_solr -n test
Find Objects based on number of versions
Find all objects based on the number of versions and an operator by using extras (-x). Specify your version number then operator with a semicolon (;) as a separator.
For instance, you can find all matching objects with exactly 3 POLICY versions:
moldybread -o find_objects_by_versions -n test -d POLICY -x "3;=="
Or you can find all matching objects that don't have 3 POLICY versions:
moldybread -o find_objects_by_versions -n test -d POLICY -x "3;!="
Allowed operators are: ==, !=, >=, <=, >, and <.
Find XACML Rules and Exceptions for objects
Find all rules and any exceptions on that rule for a set of results
moldybread -o find_xacml_restrictions -n test
Check for Objects with no restrictions on management
Finds any objects that have no exceptions on deny-management-functions
moldybread -o check_management_restrictions -n test
Get Exceptions to a Specific XACML Rule or Action
Gets the exceptions to a specific rule or action for all objects in a set
moldybread -o get_xacml_exceptions -n test -x "deny-management-functions"
Download Pages from Books and Keep Semantic Filenaming
Download pages for all matching objects and name them as book/pageNumber.extension
moldybread -o download_book_pages -n test -d OBJ
Purge XACML Inheritance Relationship for Objects
Purge all relationships between a set of objects and an inheritable object.
moldybread -o purge_xacml_inheritance -n test -x "islandora:test"
Change Content Model to Binary
Change content models for all objects in a set with a specific content model to binary.
moldybread -o change_model_to_binary -n test -x sp%5fbasic%5fimage
Add a New Relationship to all Digital Objects in a Set
Add a new relationshp to all objects in a set. Subject must be the digital object and you must supply the predicate, object, and whether the object is a literal as an extra separated by semicolons.
moldybread -o add_relationship_to_digital_object -n -x "info%3afedora%2ffedora%2dsystem%3adef%2fmodel%23hasModel;info%3afedora%2fislandora%3abinaryObjectCModel;false"